September 8, 2024

Golden Age Golds

Take Advantages of Your GOLDEN AGE

What braces work best for adult teeth?

You may have missed out on braces when you were a teenager, but you can still straighten your teeth in adulthood. You can even avoid the metal mouth look if you like.

You might want that perfect smile as an adult for a little confidence boost, or you might need to improve your oral health by making it easier to clean and floss your teeth. If you had braces as a teen but had to get a bridge or implant since then, you might need braces to realign your teeth. Correcting bite issues with braces can also alleviate jaw pain or headaches. Visit your dentist to find out if braces could help with your concern.

Before you visit, read up on the types of braces available through You would not need to go through the metal braces and rubber bands again unless you choose to do so. 

  • Metal: Sure, you can still get the traditional braces. They work great to align teeth and create a lasting change in your smile. You can always match the rubber bands to your favorite sports team.
  • Ceramic: Made of white ceramic, these use the same style as traditional braces, but their color blends in with your natural teeth.
  • Lingual brackets: Although they sound like a grammar rule from English class, these braces attach to the back of your teeth, facing your tongue. Wire threaded through them pull the teeth into a new position.
  • Plastic aligners: Probably the best-known brand of these is Invisalign. These custom-fitted, custom made clear plastic aligners slid over your teeth. They provide a less obvious way to relocate teeth, plus they can cost less than other options.

Discuss these options with your dentist. Each has its merits. Some alignment solutions work better than others for some oral health problems. Because of this, you should avoid the notion of ordering plastic aligners by mail. The do-it-yourself bite model kits are not a good idea. You may end up wasting money on a treatment not designed for your problem. The clear aligners work best when crafted by your dentist and were developed to fix simple issues. If you have vastly misaligned teeth, you probably need metal or lingual braces.

Braces can take longer to work as you age. The ideal age to get fitted with braces ranges between 8 to 14 years of age. They still work on adult teeth, but it can take longer.